May 18, 2018 Meeting


We held our elections today for the 2019-2020 term! The term runs from June to May of the following year.

For President, Jaime A. was elected!

For Secretary, Mary M. was elected!

For Treasurer, our lovable Chris R. continues to guard the stash of gold!

Fall Book Sale

Believe it or not, the inquiry has already been posed to Brenda! People are looking forward to our Fall Book Sale already! Yay!

As of the meeting, the dates haven’t been hammered down, but we know it will take place either in the 2nd (10th-12th) or 3rd (17th-19th) week of October!

Treasurer’s Report

The Friends of the Lindenwold Library has provided $100.00 to Brenda, library supervisor, to buy botanical items for use at the library. There will be a blooming butterfly garden soon! Do come by and check it out!

Bonus, there is a little free library right behind the butterfly garden. Rule is, you have to trade for a book. So bring a book you no longer want and trade it for a book that looks interesting!

Summer at the Library

First and foremost, a reminder to everyone that the library will have limited hours during the summer. The hours will be posted, so please do stay tuned.

Some of the suggested activities at the library are as follows: (None of them are guaranteed, but if you really want to participate in any of them, please let us know at the library!)

  • Build-Your-Own Pizza at Balsamo’s.
  • Read to a Furry Friend
  • STEM Projects, Arts, and Crafts centered on the theme: SPACE.
  • Scrieving Drive
  • Library School | Reading Hour – volunteers will read to interested parties a book (or multiple depending on the length) from inside the library! This will happen on Saturdays.

If you have any other suggestion, please feel free to comment on the post, tell us at the library, or give us an email!

Friends of Scouting | Garden State Council

According to the library supervisor, the library did sponsor/support this fundraiser a few years back. They’ve reached back out to see if we can help raise money for them.

If you’re wondering who the Friends of Scouting are, visit HERE for more information!

So we would like your help! Friends of the Lindenwold Library is considering donating $50.00. This will go to vote in our June meeting. If you will like to help us reach a goal of $100.00 or more, you can do so by dropping off your donation at the library in an envelope that clearly states that it is for the “Friends of Scouting.”

Your contributions are greatly appreciated!

Census Taker Training

It is paid, and the training for it will take place at the library this year.If anyone is interested, you can apply online by visiting or call 1-855-JOB-2020.

And that’s it! I will see you on the next post!

Our next meeting will take place on Saturday, June 15, 2019 from 10:30am to 12:00PM!

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