January 16, 2020 Meeting

The meeting began at 6:36pm.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Brenda submitted expenses that totaled to $69.78. It is for Post-Christmas shopping of $17.06 and Christmas cookies of $52.72.
  • Barbara submitted expenses that totaled $128.97 for Post-Christmas shopping.

Secretary & Desktop Report

  • Project Elf had been in partnership with the local police department. However, we will most likely no join efforts again for 2020.
  • Post-Christmas Shopping tally:
    • Gift bags (wide) – 21
    • Gift bags (tall) – 33
    • Stockings – 25
    • Wall art – 4 packs
    • Giant gift bags – 6
    • Bike bags – 2
    • Pencils – 3 packs
    • Decorative mesh – 2 gold, 2 silver
    • Sticker gift tags – 6 packs
    • Metal door hangers for decorations – 2
    • Door knob hangers – 4
    • Candy cane wreath form – 2
    • Ornament hooks (green) – 2 packs
    • Paper gift boxes – 2
    • Gift card holders – 7 paper; 2 paper-XL; 2 metal
    • Gold/Silver ornament orbs – 2
    • Gold ribbon – 1 roll thick; 1 roll thin
    • Christmas decoration items – 3
    • Door cover – 1
    • Decorative bows (small) 2pk – 6
    • Garland – 4 red/silver; 4 white/gold; 2 gold
    • Gift wrap – 5 long; 32 short
  • Undecorating the library – All Christmas items have been sorted and re-binned. All summer reading, Halloween, Fall, and Easter decorations have also been organized under the stairs.

Spring Book Sale

  • The dates of the book sale are Thursday, March 26 through Saturday, March 28.
  • The meeting date of March 14 will be the meeting and the beginning of the book sale setup.
  • Road signs can be used once more.
  • Advertise to consumers to bring their own bags and boxes for the book sale.

Library’s Report

  • Christmas Tree Lighting
    • 6 coolers of hot chocolate were made; 1.5 coolers were discarded. 3 trays of cookies were left over.
    • Cookies slowed down the distribution of hot chocolate. Mary has suggested separating the stations.
    • Mary has raised concerns over the Boy Scouts involvement that delayed the distribution of the hot chocolate and cookies. Also, they overly restrictive numbers and messages caused a large left over over hot chocolate and cookies that resulted in being tossed at the end of the night.
    • Brenda has raised concerns that she did not want people bringing in full coolers of hot water due to safety. Once a new stove has been purchased for the library, this will no longer be necessary.
    • Mary suggested buying stanchion posts from the Friends fund to help with people organization at the library during events.
    • Brenda believes the municipality will pass the budget to get the library a new stove.
  • Acenda is hosting a Back-to-School drive in August/September. We are supporting the efforts as well with small bags and accepting donations of stationary and school items.
  • Summer Reading & Activities
    • This year’s summer theme is Fairytales, Mythology, and Fantasy.
    • The FOLL will decide on a weekly basis whether we will be providing side dishes and or/ desserts for Thursdays.
    • The Library is considering making the Thursday meals being given to families.

Meetings and Event Dates

  • March meeting has been set for Saturday, March 14 from 11am to 12pm.

The meeting adjourned at 7:44 pm

November 16, 2019 Meeting

Meeting Opening

  • One of our members – Sue – has decide to leave the organization. We wish her the best!
  • We also have a new member who joined! Welcome!

Secretary & Desktop Report

  • The password to the Friends of the Lindenwold Library Google account has been changed. If it is needed, please contact Mary M.
  • Single Use Plastics – In light of the plastics ban passed by the Camden County Board of Freeholders, Styrofoam cups aren’t allowed to be used in any County sponsored event, I came across Costco selling paper cups rated for hot beverages. Since the county doesn’t use Costco, there may be same items for sale at either Sam’s Club or BJ’s Warehouse.

The Library

  • Linden Ave will be closed for the Christmas Tree Lighting Event.
  • The parade will include the High school marching band, choir, and one of the local farms.
  • The boy scouts will be helping at the event.
  • The outside Christmas tree will be set up after Thanksgiving. It will come completely decorated

Christmas Tree Lighting

  • Preparation begins between 3pm to 6pm. Program is estimated to end around 8:30pm.
  • Hot chocolate preparations starts around 4:00pm.
  • We should promote the public to bring their own cups for the hot chocolate.
  • There are 11 trays of cookies available.
  • There will be a couple of police officers available for the event to keep peace.
  • Need funding for cookies and candy canes.
  • Need donations of napkins.

Project Elf

  • December 19, 2019 – Pickup is between 4pm and 7pm. 4:00 – 7:00pm.
  • We will be partnering with the local police department this year.
  • Preparation will happen on the following dates:
    1. December 14, 2019 (Saturday) – Separation of gifts.
    2. Preparation will happen on December 17 – 18, 2019.
  • Application cut-off date is December 14, 2019.
  • Volunteers – Jane, Barbara, & Mary.

Christmas Decoration

  • A date to remove all Christmas decorations has been set for January 11, 2020.

Future Dates

  • The next meeting will take place on Saturday, February 15, 2020 from 10:30am to 12:00pm.

By Laws

  • Article VI (Meetings), Section IV has been amended to read as follows: “A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting shall consist of fifty percent [50%] plus one [1] of active members.”
  • Article VI, Section V: It was determined that “Robert’s Rules of Order” does not fit the organization well. Members have requested for discussion to be held in January.

The meeting adjourned at 11:27am.

October 24, 2019 Meeting

The meeting was hosted by Mary M. at 6:30pm.

New Member!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Kenya to the Friends of the Lindenwold Library. She had awesomely stayed on to help with the tear-down of our Fall Book Sale!

Secretary’s Report

Some of the sections in the shed have undergone some changes and have been relabeled accordingly. Hopefully it will help with the 2020 Spring Book Sale.

Our official Facebook Page is currently in progress.

Single-Use Plastic Ban passed by the Camden County Freeholders will take effect January 1, 2020. You can read the article by clicking HERE.

Fall Book Sale

As some of you know, the political upheaval caused by the Republican Write-In Campaign for the November 5 Election taking place this year affected a lot of things in Lindenwold. While we weren’t part of it, we were heavily affected by it. Should the borough code restrict us once more during the 2020 Spring Book Sale, the Friends of the Lindenwold Library will need new ways of getting the word out to the community. This may be accomplished by:

  • Asking property owners’ permissions to put signs on their properties.
  • Attaching some flyers to the poles of major intersection stop signs in the neighborhood for a period of no more than 7 days. Whether or not this can be done has yet to be verified with the proper authorities.

Library Decorating & Friends Meeting

They will be held together on November 16, 2019 from 9:00am – 3:00pm. At 10:30am, a meeting will be called and held. After the meeting, members can return to decorating or leave for personal obligations.

Decorations will be brought to the library the week leading up to the Library’s decorating. There is also a new tree for the Christmas Tree Lighting Event.

What goes up must come down! Christmas Decoration Take Down date has been set for January 11, 2020.

Christmas Tree Lighting

For 2019, the date is December 6. The parade beings at 7:00pm and should arrive at the library around 7:20pm. The pictures with Santa will take place after that when Santa is set up and ready. Volunteers can arrive anytime between 3:00pm to 6:00pm to help set up and stay through the end of the program around 8:30pm.

We begin making hot chocolate as early as 4:00pm!

Project Elf

It is set for December 19, 2019 but it may change. Collection for the Project Elf packages happens between 3:00pm to 7:00pm on December 19.

The date for preparations has yet to be determined. Volunteers can sign up for the Preparation slots or the Distribution slots during the November meeting.

Meeting and Event Dates

  • November meeting (& Library decorating) – November 16, 2019.
  • Christmas Tree Lighting – December 6, 2019.
  • Project Elf – December 19, 2019.
  • Christmas Decoration Take Down – January 11, 2020.
  • January meeting – Saturday, January 18, 2020 from 10:30am to 12:00pm.
  • February meeting – Saturday, February 15, 2020 from 10:30am to 12:00pm.

By Laws

Article VI (Meetings), Section IV has been amended to read as follows: “A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting shall consist of fifty percent [50%] plus one [1] of active members.”

Article VI, Section V: It was determined that “Robert’s Rules of Order” does not fit the organization well. Members have requested for discussion to be held in January.

The meeting adjourned at 7:40pm. As a reminder, a full contact list of the Friends of the Lindenwold Library is available. If any member needs a copy, please contact Mary.

September 28, 2019 Meeting

Today’s meeting was hosted by Mary M. at 10:30am. A field trip to the shed has been taken as a group to understand the amount of donations that have been donated.

Treasurer’s Report

Friends of Scouting, Garden State Council sent a thank you note to the Friends of the Lindenwold Library for our donation of $50.

Secretary’s Report

Back-to-School Drive – General research has shown that there may not be a need for school supplies due to the large support from the community at large through various churches and the schools themselves that host drives. However, it is noted that Special Education Teachers may spend extra out of pocket supplying their special needs students with special material that may or may not always come supplied by the schools. Research has not ended. The Secretary will continue her efforts in communication to establish what kind of help, if any, is needed.

Let it also be known that one of the requirements on the materials list is “ear buds” and the cheapest at Walmart, Target, etc seems to be $5.00. It may be feasible to advertise that the Lindenwold Library sells ear buds for $2.00. This will help the students save money and in turn make profit for the library.

Meetings and Event Dates

These dates are either per-determined or have been determined by the members in attendance:

  • Fall Book Sale – October 10, 11, & 12.
  • October meeting – Thursday, October 24, 2019 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm.
  • November meeting (& Library decorating) – November 16, 2019. The decorating can begin at around 9am. Then the members will take a break at 10:30am to hold a meeting, then resume the decorating after.
  • Christmas Tree Lighting – December 6, 2019.

Fall Book Sale

Member volunteer schedules are available for sign up in library.

The cashier’s box will be ready with start-up funds for the book sale at the library.

Road sign locations have been determined. Please contact Mary for the list of locations or get them at the library.

Flyers are available for distribution. Please collect at the library or contact Mary for them.

DVDs are to be set up on the shelves for the “ON-GOING” book sale.

Hardback and Children’s books are to share the long table setup immediately in front of the stairs known as the “Prime Sale Area.”

The 2 long tables between the Prime Sale Area and the Paperback is to be shared between Hardbacks and Tradebacks.

VHS Tapes are located against the wall between Brenda’s Office and the Kitchen Area.

LARGE PRINT books will be by the rear exit with the Comic Books and the Magazines.

Religion & Philosophy will be on the tables with computers.

Non-Fiction History and Biographies go against the wall by the Hardback books. All other Non-Fiction books go on the Round Table and the chairs in front of the sliding doors.

The members have vetoed the idea of using the Shed as part of the Book Sale, citing safety concerns.

It has been approved to sell all Danielle Steele books for $0.25 a piece, regardless of format.

DVDs (excluding box sets) are to be sold $1.00 each or 7 DVDs for $5.00

Coffee Table books are being set aside for this Book Sale. Whether there is space available will be determined at a later date.

Brenda has suggested getting a couple of bigger, sturdier signs for the locations at (1) Intersection of Chews Landing Road & W. Park Ave and (2) Intersection of Egg Harbor Road & E. Gibbsboro Road. Not the large ones that go on the wood frames. The pricing has yet to be set.

That’s it. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40am for the set up of the book sale.

June 15, 2019 Meeting

We are at the start of a new term with Jamie as our 2019-2020 President.

As we don’t meet during the summer months of July and August, this is the last meeting before we reconvene in September. Any questions or comments can be directed to us in the comments section or in an email. We can be reached at lindenwold.library.friends@gmail.com

Now, the meeting minutes.

Fall Book Sale

The book sale will be on the following days:

  • Thursday, October 10, 2019 from 12PM – 8PM.
  • Friday, October 11, 2019 from 9AM – 5PM.
  • Saturday, October 12, 2019 from 9AM – 2PM.

We need volunteers!

Signup sheets will be available in the library for sign up in September.

Friends of the Lindenwold Library will have a new Facebook Page coming soon. Stay tuned for that!

The following items are needed for the book sale. Further details will be discussed in the September meeting:

  • Signs
  • Flyers
  • School Distribution
  • Senior Communities

A lot of donations have been given to the library. Members can help by presorting the donations in the shed if possible.

The cash box will be stocked and ready to go for the book sale opening at Noon on Thursday! Select members may not be available for the book sale as they will be traveling.

Summer Schedule and Plans at the Lindenwold Library

  • Summer Reading Club
    • For children up to the age of 13.
    • For every 75 minutes of reading accomplished by a child, s/he will receive a raffle ticket to be included in the draw for a prize at the end of the summer program.
    • Every child who signs up for the reading program will receive a bag that has a tattoo sticker, 2 bookmarks, the summer events, and a sheet with stars to color in for every 15 minutes read.
  • The Lindenwold Library hosts Space themed arts & crafts in partnership with Robin’s Nest/Connections on Thursdays from 4pm – 8pm.
    • The State theme this year across its libraries is SPACE!
    • Program lasts for 9 weeks to August 29, 2019.
    • The Food Bank provides the meals during the arts & crafts programs.
    • Supplies are needed for the arts & crafts. Please contact Brenda for more details.
    • Downstairs portion of the library will be decorated with Space as a theme.

National Night Out

It takes place at the Lindenwold Memorial Park on Tuesday, August 6, 2019 from 6pm – 9pm. Gift baskets will be available, and volunteers are needed! Please inform Brenda or Mary if you are able to participate!

Friends of Scouts

It has been determined that the Friends of the Lindenwold Library will donate $50.00 to the Friends of Scouts.

Back to School Drive

The President suggested hosting a “Back to School” drive in August/September to help promote the library. Mary volunteered to communicate with the teachers of the Lindenwold School District to see if they would find the idea helpful. One suggestion for the giveaway was a loaded backpack or supplying the more expensive items children may need for school. Mary also suggested stocking loose items from clearance sales to help with the drive if the program gets support from the community.

The soonest the Back-to-School drive can occur, then, would be in 2020.

New Website

If you made it here, that means you already noticed that this is now available. There is still a lot of work to be done and information to be entered, but it is definitely an on-going project.

For those of you interested, subscribing to the blog will allow subscribers to be notified of new posts that will include information about things Friends of the Lindenwold Library is planning.

The posts will typically make up of our meeting notes, upcoming Friends events, and all meeting dates.

Separation of Members and Volunteers

It has been suggested and agreed upon by members that there will be two categories of involvement:

  1. The first category is volunteers. This is for people who want to be involved but not attend meetings.
  2. The second category is members. This is for people who want to be involved in both the meetings and events. Additionally, should the attendance requirement be met, eligible members also vote for the President and Secretary positions.

This concludes the meeting notes for June. This is our last meeting for the summer. There will be no meetings held in July or August.

Please do come by and support the Library. The Supervisor has a lot of good arts & crafts planned!

May 18, 2018 Meeting


We held our elections today for the 2019-2020 term! The term runs from June to May of the following year.

For President, Jaime A. was elected!

For Secretary, Mary M. was elected!

For Treasurer, our lovable Chris R. continues to guard the stash of gold!

Fall Book Sale

Believe it or not, the inquiry has already been posed to Brenda! People are looking forward to our Fall Book Sale already! Yay!

As of the meeting, the dates haven’t been hammered down, but we know it will take place either in the 2nd (10th-12th) or 3rd (17th-19th) week of October!

Treasurer’s Report

The Friends of the Lindenwold Library has provided $100.00 to Brenda, library supervisor, to buy botanical items for use at the library. There will be a blooming butterfly garden soon! Do come by and check it out!

Bonus, there is a little free library right behind the butterfly garden. Rule is, you have to trade for a book. So bring a book you no longer want and trade it for a book that looks interesting!

Summer at the Library

First and foremost, a reminder to everyone that the library will have limited hours during the summer. The hours will be posted, so please do stay tuned.

Some of the suggested activities at the library are as follows: (None of them are guaranteed, but if you really want to participate in any of them, please let us know at the library!)

  • Build-Your-Own Pizza at Balsamo’s.
  • Read to a Furry Friend
  • STEM Projects, Arts, and Crafts centered on the theme: SPACE.
  • Scrieving Drive
  • Library School | Reading Hour – volunteers will read to interested parties a book (or multiple depending on the length) from inside the library! This will happen on Saturdays.

If you have any other suggestion, please feel free to comment on the post, tell us at the library, or give us an email!

Friends of Scouting | Garden State Council

According to the library supervisor, the library did sponsor/support this fundraiser a few years back. They’ve reached back out to see if we can help raise money for them.

If you’re wondering who the Friends of Scouting are, visit HERE for more information!

So we would like your help! Friends of the Lindenwold Library is considering donating $50.00. This will go to vote in our June meeting. If you will like to help us reach a goal of $100.00 or more, you can do so by dropping off your donation at the library in an envelope that clearly states that it is for the “Friends of Scouting.”

Your contributions are greatly appreciated!

Census Taker Training

It is paid, and the training for it will take place at the library this year.If anyone is interested, you can apply online by visiting 2020census.gov/jobs or call 1-855-JOB-2020.

And that’s it! I will see you on the next post!

Our next meeting will take place on Saturday, June 15, 2019 from 10:30am to 12:00PM!

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